9Slides.com is an online tool which lets you create interactive synchronized presentations. You can sync pre-recorded audio or video with a presentation and post it to your blog or share the URL with your audience. 9Slides is quite similar to Present.me and also have a pro version which offers analytics, privacy settings and unlimited captures. Live capture use case has been part of lot of PowerPoint plug-ins like Articulate, authorPOINT or Microsoft producer and PowerPoint users have been using it to create multimedia presentations and class lectures. While all those plug-ins or software are available for one time payment, 9slides.com and Present.me offer online services on a subscription based model.
Though recurring payments can boggle some minds, yet you can't ignore the advantages like presentation statistics, embeds, privacy control, direct web link, branding and reach to wider set of audience.
Though recurring payments can boggle some minds, yet you can't ignore the advantages like presentation statistics, embeds, privacy control, direct web link, branding and reach to wider set of audience.