Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Now conduct presentation web meetings from your mobile

MightyMeeting, a new entrant in online PowerPoint meeting domain, unlike other presentation meeting tools like Present Live from authorSTREAM , SlideLive, Zoho Show or Google presentations,  lets you conduct PowerPoint presentations on the go even from your smart-phone. Using MightyMeeting  you can conduct presentations remotely via its web interface or  iPhone and Android applications. Despite the fact that animation effects seems missing on MightyMeeting, running a synchronized slide show from mobile phone has its added advantages.

The only presentation meeting tool which retains animation effects is Present Live from authorSTREAM though they don't have any app for mobile yet. MightyMeeting could come in handy when you have to start a presentation meeting at a moment’s notice.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Create PowerPoint presentations which keep audience attentive and awake

An effective PowerPoint presentation can leave long lasting impact on audience. A PowerPoint can do more than what a blog post or document can.

Don't just fill your presentation with tons of text, bullets, images and annoying animations. Your PowerPoint should be a balanced combination of text, images and animation effects. PowerPoint presentation can also have narrations or background music if you intend to put it on some online presentation sharing website. A little planning, great script, cool design and sincere hard work will certainly pay you. There is such a abundance of bad presentation that PowerPoint expert and author Ellen Finkelstein has to start a campaign named " death by PowerPoint".

AudienceImage by kurafire via Flickr

Here are few resources which you should refer to if you really want your audience to pay attention to what you want to convey:


Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30 rule


Concordia University

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